• Double Elimination
  • Singles tournament (1v1)
  • Tournament Mode Enabled
  • 3 stocks, 8 minutes
  • 2/3 Games per Set
  • 3/5 Games per Set starting in Top 32 of the tournament
  • Winner of prior game is allowed 2 Stage Bans prior to counterpicks
  • “Character-first” counterpick procedure (characters are decided before stage counterpicks for games after the first)
  • DSR applies (players may not counterpick to any stage they won on earlier in the set)
  • Mutual Agreement is not permitted. Players may not agree to play on a stage that would otherwise violate the existing stage rules. A player who repeatedly attempts to coerce their opponent into such an agreement may be penalized with a game or set loss, depending on the severity and frequency of the infraction.

Stage List

  • Starter Stages
    • Aetherian Forest
    • Julesvale
    • Merchant Port
    • Godai Delta
    • Hodojo
  • Counterpick Stages
    • Hyperborean Harbor
    • Rock Wall
    • Air Armada
    • Tempest Peak
    • Fire Capital

Set Procedure

  • Prior to Game 1:
    • Competitors select their characters for Game 1, either competitor may request a Double-Blind character selection
      • If a player wishes to choose a random character, that character may remain unknown to both players until the game starts only if the random character pool includes ALL characters
    • Competitors play a best-of-1 in Rock-Paper-Scissors (RPS) to determine the order for stage striking
    • Competitors take turns removing stages from the list of 5 starter stages (see above) in a P1-P2-P2-P1 order with the winner of RPS striking first, the stage that remains is the stage for Game 1
  • Between Games in the Set (“Character-first” procedure):
    • Winner of prior game selects their character for the next game, they are allowed to switch characters
    • Loser of prior game selects their character for the next game, they are allowed to switch characters
    • Winner of prior game bans 2 stages from the full list of legal stages, including both starters and counterpicks; the ban is effective for the next game only and does not persist throughout the set
    • Loser of the prior game selects the stage for the next game from the remaining unbanned stages, they cannot select a stage they won on earlier in the set (DSR)
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