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PlayStation 5
- Mortal Kombat Pro Kompetition Global Offline Event
- $10,000 Pot Bonus from NRS Esports
- Double Elimination
- Tournament Mode Default Options
- 2/3 Rounds per Game
- 3/5 Games per Set
- Random stage select
- Prior to Game 1:
- Competitors select their characters for Game 1, either competitor may request a Double-Blind character selection
- Competitors select their kameos for Game 1, either competitor may request a Double-Blind kameo selection
- Between Games in the Set:
- Loser of the prior game decides whether to rematch with the same characters and kameos, or to return to character select
- If Loser opts to rematch, skip all following steps
- If Loser opts to return to character select, continue to step 2
- Winner of the prior game selects a character for the next game, they MUST keep the same character from the prior game and CANNOT switch
- Loser of the prior game selects a character for the next game, they are allowed to switch characters
- Winner of the prior game selects a kameo for the next game
- If Loser switched characters, Winner is allowed switch kameos
- If Loser did NOT switch characters, Winner MUST keep same kameo
- Loser of the prior game selects a kameo for the next game, they are allowed to switch kameos